
Don’t forget that you’re human…

Well, friends, you survived the holidays and now it’s a new year—a fresh start—and you have a great chance to start over and begin anew. So what will it be this year? What new ideas do you have? What new places will you visit? What new adventures will you try, and what will you leave behind? What problem or issue or circumstance will you make a clean break from so you can start with a clean slate? What? You’ve not thought about leaving the old and finding the great adventures that this new year will afford you? Wait a second, […]

Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

“Get your big fat a__ in here” those are the words a client of mine recently heard from her grandmother. I can only assume the grandmother didn’t measure the damage of her words. I’m sure grandma thought she was being funny. She wasn’t. Weeks later my client can repeat that stinging phrase that hurt to the bone and the worst part is now every time she looks in the mirror, she will hear those words from the person who is supposed to show unconditional love – the grandparent. We all know that people says things to hurt – on purpose, […]

Who set your boundaries?

As I walked along the fence I came upon this marker… Boundary of the United States It’s an imposing marker set into the fence line between America and Mexico. One can easily scale the fence or swim around the jetty in the ocean but even if you cross over willingly… or not… you’ve now crossed a boarder – a boundary line that either keeps you in or keeps you out. It makes me wonder, “Who set your boundaries? Have you limited yourself? Are on the wrong side of the fence”. The concept of boundaries frustrates me – who gets to […]

Acknowledge With Graciousness – Deb’s Ah-Ha Moment

If you have ever heard me speak you probably know this story of an Ah-Ha moment in my life – which I will never forget. A number years ago I was speaking at a conference for judges and lawyers and the luncheon speaker was a lady from a presidential administration (I didn’t care for) and from what I had seen of her tenure I was also unimpressed by her and was not interested in hearing her speak. I only went to the luncheon to eat the free chicken lunch – then I was going shopping. Unfortunately, I could not exit the room before […]

What Will You Do Next? part 1 of 3

In this blog post let’s look at the first of my three lessons for survival. Keep Working. The hardest thing you will do is to keep working on your dreams and goals. Granted it may be a smaller venue than you had hoped for but I have seen and learned by being on the stage myself… sometimes in a smaller more intimate setting you will bond with your audience in a way that your old self and style would not allow and once they see you – just as you are – many times they will become raving fanatical fans […]

What will do you Next… continued

In my earlier blog I wrote about a pattern I see happening a lot these days – people who start well but somehow fall off of the track and don’t seem to know how to get their mojo back. Their failure is due to a miscommunication about one of the hardest questions they do not ask, which is What Will You Do Next…. So to answer the question… here is my million-dollar advice. It is very simple and yet one of the hardest things to do. Ready… My advice is this that you learn to Move Really… You have to […]

Deb Sofield Launches Weekly Newsletter

Log onto my website and view my online newsletter – which was turned into a blog and a podcast. Speak Without Fear, it is a excellent source of news, notes and tips for public speaking. You can sign up on my website to receive my monthly newsletter. My goal is to help you become the best you can be – personally and professionally…because if you’re going to speak – you might as well be heard! Learn more about me at: