
For Your Life

Through many years of speaking on the national circuit, I have found that for most of us it’s not what we say but what our audience, friends, and family hear. Because of that simple fact you need to re-craft your message to break through the noise…

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Deb Sofield

Until Next Time

After years of doing a radio show and podcast – it is time for me to move onto my next adventure but before I go, I want to leave you with my final thought, and it is about doing your part for your future and for others. Like many of you, I am concerned about our world. There is no hiding the fact that we are in an age of change, but no matter what happens, I will not lose my focus on the long game that I have written out for myself. I am hoping, trusting and praying that

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Deb Sofield

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don’t wait.

Perhaps the greatest message I can share and want to embed in your mind is the truth that Whatever it is you have been wanting and waiting to do, please consider doing it soon. You have waited long enough, and you have told yourself that you are someone who strives to live with purpose and goals and vision, so since that is your resolve, allow me to push you once again to leave your place of fear and start running down your path. With that overall theme in mind, here are three ideas that I believe will motivate, sustain and

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Deb Sofield

Hope for the New Year

It’s funny, but when I think about repeating myself I am reminded of a quick story. When I wrote my first book, “Speak Without Fear,” my editor said, “Deb, do you know you repeat yourself on the big ideas you have in the book?” to which I replied, “It’s because no one listens, so you have to say it over and over and in different ways,” which is fine for speaking, but not such a good idea for a book. I am in hopes that my second book, “Powerful People Take Up Physical Space,” will be out in a few

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Deb Sofield

The Blessing of Rest… A New Year’s Resolution

Dear Reader – please note this show was produced a few years ago but I wanted to share it along with my other shows. I don’t know about you, but I’m often asked about New Year’s Resolutions: Do I make them? Do I keep them? Or do I do nothing? And the answer is…a little bit of all of them. I know this week’s show is a few days before the New Year, but I wanted to check in and see, if you don’t have a New Year’s resolution, if I could convince you to consider my resolution for the

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Deb Sofield

Your Only Limit Is You

For the last few years I have been writing a weekly blog and producing a podcast, which stemmed from my Saturday radio show, “Encouragement for Your Life,” heard every week on 94.5FM. As we come into the holidays, I will be closing out this chapter of life–my weekly newsletter and podcast. That being said, after 250 shows/posts/newsletters – I will end my weekly dose of encouragement with the same encouragement that I started out with almost five years ago. Please hear me loud and clear (and I am speaking to myself here as well), your only limit is you. And

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Deb Sofield

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year

As I thinking about what to give as a word of encouragement this week I wanted to share something that would be uplifting and not just educational or a training session so when I found the first part of this poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson I knew I had landed on my thought for this weekend before Christmas. Friend, this year – Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. That means that everyday all 365 of them coming you have a chance to write a different story, sing a different song and

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