Life Lessons

What’s Your Balance?

I don’t mean your physical balance – although that is important but what I am asking about today is your “credit” in the accounts of “worthy organizations”… such as your volunteer activities… your kids school… your place of worship… what I find (more so at the holidays) is that for many of you – you make great deposits and have a lot of credit with good organizations and although that is a worthy endeavor I just want to make sure that those you need you the most are not short changed. Suzanne Bates wrote in a recent column that – […]

Sometimes you’ve got to ask…

I had a dear friend say to me one time, “you know Deb you can ask for help… it’s not a sign of weakness and in your case,  it might be a sign of strength” I know I looked at her like she had two heads – a sign of strength to say you need help – I’m a little slow on that concept…you’re going to need to explain. So, she proceeded to tell me that as much I as like to help others and find a sense of community or friendship or profit from my time well spent… that […]

What will you do?

Well it’s bound to happen, and it did…. I fell down some steps as I was going off the stage to write something on the whiteboard. It happened so quickly, and I went down hard and hit my head against the wall and my backside on the steps and my shoulder took the brunt of the fall. Probably one of the worst things that can happen to a speaker – in the middle of a 2-hour session is to fall down. Luckily, I was able to regain my composure and as I quickly stood and said, “well now that I […]

May all your dreams come true… even the ones they laughed at

I recently came across a phrase that made me smile when I thought about it… because the truth it holds can be life changing. May all your dreams come true…even the ones they laughed at. There is something about this phrase that captures me… maybe it’s because I’ve had 1000 dreams, thoughts and ideas that I’ve tried or have pursued – some to success and some that are still in my attic and a few that are just sweet memories… but let the record show that at least I tried. I hear a lot of polite snickering when someone verbalizes […]

May you stay in one place forever…

The other day I was reading some information for a speech I am working on, and I came across perhaps the most awful thing that could ever be said about someone and it is from the Tartar tribe of Central Asia – they say that prior to battle, the Tartar Tribes of Central Asia used to make a pronouncement over their enemies. It had nothing to do with their ability to overpower or wipe out their enemy in battle. Instead, their curse was this, “May you stay in one place forever.” Their curse was that their enemy would stop learning, […]

The Power of One

Someone recently asked me – why do you always talk about living your best life ever– why not talk about living with the hand that you’ve been dealt…and I answered… well you’ve been doing that for years now – how’s it working out for you…to which they grumbled and walked away. It is a conscience effort on my part to push you – my listening audience to see beyond your current situation… I’ve been described as a motivational teacher and not just a motivational speaker because every week I work to have actionable items that you can use today to […]

I like lists because they keep me out of trouble

I like lists – I’m not sure why because I don’t always follow what is written down but maybe it is the process of writing it down and crossing it off that does my heart good. It feels like accomplishment even if I was going to do it anyway – like get gas, go the PO box, go to the store… Now lest you think I don’t follow through there are some days I start at the top of my list and work my way down to completion but for the most part I get half of it done and […]

Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you no one would believe it

My friends send me email jokes and cartoons all the time; in fact I had a few friends I had to ask to put me on the weekly list and not the daily emails. I have no idea what they do all day that allows them to surf the web and send their network 20-30 jokes and stories all day-but good for them. A while back I get this one and I liked it…it said, Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you no one would believe it. Wouldn’t that be great? What if you […]

Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

“Get your big fat a__ in here” those are the words a client of mine recently heard from her grandmother. I can only assume the grandmother didn’t measure the damage of her words. I’m sure grandma thought she was being funny. She wasn’t. Weeks later my client can repeat that stinging phrase that hurt to the bone and the worst part is now every time she looks in the mirror, she will hear those words from the person who is supposed to show unconditional love – the grandparent. We all know that people says things to hurt – on purpose, […]

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