
It doesn’t matter what others are doing

It doesn’t matter what others are doing. It matters what YOU are doing. I saw this poster a while back, and it hit me as such an obvious comment, that I almost laughed out loud at the simple message. Then, as life would have it, I did a double take and had to admit that I waste plenty of time wondering, questioning and thinking about what others are doing with their time and talent when I need to focus on what I should be doing. It’s not like our work is going to get done magically without us. No, we […]

The Most Dangerous Place

I have come to believe that the most dangerous place in the road is the intersection. And I think that is, because at that place, within seconds of time, someone has to make a decision. And isn’t that just like life? You come to the intersection and then you have to choose which way to go, how fast and still (out of the corner of your eye) be aware of those around you. I do prefer an intersection to a round-about. In other countries, (where they don’t drive in between the lines) the round-about can force you to go round […]

Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

My theme today is “Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations.” Now, I know that today’s thought is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re slogging through hard times. I get it. We’ve all been there, but if you were truthful with yourself, you’d have to admit that, more often than not, when you do come through the storm and land on the other side, it’s usually never as bad as you thought or expected it to be. And if it was a miserable experience, you can count yourself lucky to have survived. The truth is that many […]

I Quit! Thanks for the Memories

Now before you get too excited, I am not quitting my blog or podcast, but I am going to quit the hanging on to memories that cause me regret. I love the quote by Mason Cooley, “Regret For Wasted Time Is More Wasted Time,” and, frankly, my time is limited, and I don’t need any more time consuming sad memories, so for 2016 I have quit hanging on to what I thought would happen in my life, and I’m moving forward…on to what else I can make happen for the rest of my amazing life. Recently I saw a video […]

You’ve Got A (Toxic) Friend

Recently, a client of mine who wants to the change the world was taken aback when I told him that he would do well to walk away from his “loser” friends. “How do you know my friends are losers?” he asked. I told him that with all of his community service, non-profit ventures and summer trips helping others that he had been telling me about, he’d also said that he’d been doing all of this on his own. To me, this was a sign that he needs different friends. “Out of your massive buddy group,” I said, it’s obvious that […]

Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win

As I’ve gotten older I’ve really tried to keep myself out of trouble and I’m doing pretty well, thank goodness! It’s not that I go looking for trouble but sometimes it just seemed to find me – usually because of something I said OR it was something someone said I said. So I have had to be more careful because I don’t want to hurt anyone and I don’t want to cause harm. I want to be thought of as kind person. But often I look around and see that some of my peers, friends and colleagues seem to look […]

Givers Need to Set Limits

Givers Need to Set Limits, and because Takers Never Do. I saw an interesting video recently about a guy who taped $1and $5 bills, and maybe a $10 or two, to his jacket and walked around with a sign that said, “Take what you need.” Now, obviously, someone was videotaping the street interaction, and because the guy was wearing a microphone, you can hear his conversation as people read his sign, looked at him questioningly and then, hesitantly, took a few bills. All the while he would say to people, as he walked up and down the street, to…“Go ahead […]

Living to Your Full Potential

I am sure you’ve heard 100 times that you should live up to your full potential, and, although I believe that is true, I have to ask what does that mean for you? Have you ever thought about your “full potential,” meaning is there something that you’d give your all to, holding nothing back and being empty when you’re finished, only to refresh yourself and start over? If you were to look online, most of the sites that deal with living to your full potential are about leading and living your life fully in the 7 Major Areas: Physically, Mentally, […]

When Unsure, Take the Next Logical Step

Last year I spent a lot of time encouraging you to chart a new course and get out of your comfort zone—learn to live the life you imagined and were born to do, big and small things, to move you down the path of life that would bring joy in big and small ways. Life is short, and I fully believe you have to take the reins and get going or you’re going to miss out on some great opportunities or someone else will take your space, maybe while you’re sitting around waiting. You may even lose interest and then […]