Rules for the Road

Do What Is Best for You

Recently I was listening to a story about the famous basketball player Rick Barry, and his underhand free throw shot that he made popular back in the day. It was a great story that he told about why he crafted his underhand toss and how it became a force for free throw points for his team. He recounted for the reporter that his underhand toss never took off in the big leagues because of the simple fact that no one wanted to be seen as doing a “granny shot.” Imagine that, being so cowed by others that many basketball players […]

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life, don’t ever waste it. As I prepare for my weekly radio show many times I speak with the larger listening audience in mind. I fully understand it is Saturday and you’re busy with chores or errands or house cleaning or finishing up lunch with the family, but today I want to talk about you and speak to you directly. As I work with presidents of corporations, sales team leaders, author who are out selling their books or wise folks who are working to better their speaking ability, I have been […]

The Most Dangerous Risk of All

The most dangerous risk of all–The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. Today, I want to simply remind you that time is running out for you, my friend, and no matter how much you wish it would all slow down, so you can get your bearings and hang on the truth, time marches onward, whether you like it or not. The world is spinning, and if you’re like most people I talk with, you’re just hanging on for dear life…hoping to not get […]

If You Want to Leave a Footprint

If You Want to Leave a Footprint Don’t Drag Your Feet I came across today’s theme by accident when I was looking for some other information about leaving a legacy that I spoke about last week.          If you want to leave a footprint don’t drag your feet.—Arnot L. Sheppard This quote just stuck with me, so much so that I couldn’t shake it to work on something else. There is just something about the phrase that makes me stop and think…probably because I am very mindful that we will all leave a legacy of some sort, but in addition […]

Today is a new day

Today is a new day. You will get out of it just what you put into it…If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, there is always another chance for you. And supposing you have tried and failed again and again, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.  Mary Pickford I like the thought for today. Maybe it’s because I just got back from speaking in Pennsylvania where I heard, once again, how failing in the past is messing up the […]

Do what lies clearly at hand

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? That is a question that has come up a lot lately with some projects that I am working on. Sometimes despite my best intentions I look down the path of life and wonder – what do I do next? I am sure it is an issue that many face since, in our world of plenty, we have many great choices. And sometimes there are more ways than one to get to the finish line. But how do you know what road to take? And what measurements should one use […]

Opportunity is Everywhere

Opportunity is everywhere if you know where to look…. Funny thing about opportunity, it seems to follow other people and not those who seem to need it…or does it? I have been pondering that thought for some time now. Why does it seem that some people just seem to luck into the best jobs, the best relationships, the best opportunities more than others? Or, do those who come across opportunity seize hold of it and make more out of it, so it seems effortless and looks as if they tend to win over and over in life? I don’t know […]

Life is an Echo

I saw a poster the other day that said, “Life is an echo, what you send out comes back. What you sow you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you. Do not judge so you will not be judged. Radiate and give love and love comes back to you.” That is an interesting, thought that life is an echo. I guess I never thought about it that way. It seems to me that most of the time, when I do something, I assume it dissipates and does not stay around to be recalled […]

Life Moves On…

It is hard to understand why things don’t work out like we’d like for them to, and preferably in our favor, but as you well know, life doesn’t always give us what we think we need or want, and until we can settle on the fact that our plans will change with or without our acceptance—until we come to terms with that fact of life—we’ll always be chasing something that is hard to catch. Because we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, we ought to make it our joy to live today. Unfortunately that is not what many people believe, […]