“Even though there are days I wish I could change some things that happened in the past, there’s a reason the rearview mirror is so small, and the windshield is so big, where you’re heading is much more important than what you’ve left behind.” Unknown I am proud to say that this is show 200. Really. 200 radio and podcast shows, along with 200 blog posts. If you had told me a few years ago that I would stay with this project, I am not sure I would have believed you because it is a boatload of work each week,
I have always loved the quote, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” It has been attributed to just about everyone, but the one who is consistently listed is Samuel Goldwyn of TV and movie producer fame. Interesting when you think that he might have said that line considering that he was–in a sense–the star-maker in Hollywood, but even he understood the long view of success or luck (as you’d like to believe). Just think back on your favorite movie star and then research how many times they had to do cheese ball commercials or TV sitcoms or print
Right outside my window, I have the most amazing birdbath. What makes this resting place so awesome is the many visitors that come to drink, and wash, and play…at least, I think they are playing in the water. When a bird lands on the rim of the bath, I will stop what I’m doing and watch… watch them peck at the water, jump in and wiggle, flex their wings, and groom themselves. It’s a good thing the bath is not near my office window – goodness knows, I’d get nothing done. I wasn’t always a bird person – in fact,
Deb Sofield is a dynamic Keynote Speaker, Private Speech Coach and Author of five books. Her best-selling book Speak without Fear – Rock Star Presentation Skills to get People to Hear What You Say, and her latest book Perfecting Your Platform – Transforming Your Stage Presence into Stage Power, and her three-volume series Encouragement for Your Life – Tough Love Memos to Help You Fight Your Battles and Change the World.
Deb Sofield
Post Office Box 26477
Greenville, SC 29616
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