
When your past calls, don’t answer

When your past calls, don’t answer; it has nothing new to say. How many times have you fallen back into an old habit or pattern because you answered the call of your past? You know you should not have picked up the proverbial phone, but you did, and you said hello, and now you’re dealing with the aftermath. I’m encouraging you today to say goodbye and leave your past behind you as you move forward. I think it is interesting that so many people I talk with have this same pull–it’s like a spider web that seems to draw many […]

Act As If

Recently, a friend who was on my show used a phrase that has really stuck with me… in the course of our conversation talking about how to keep your spirits up even when it seems like life has thrown you a curve ball, she said – that every time her spirits started to wane (in her job search) she would – as she said, Act As If… act as if it was going to be okay, act as if you had the courage to do the job, act as if you were in the job of your dreams. Just that […]

It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine

“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”—Eeyore. It has been a week. I can’t remember when, in the course of a holiday weekend, I have seen so much sadness and pain and frustration and disappointment. I’m not sure if it’s the moon in its phases or if life is just hard with all that is expected of us. Kids back in school, football teams winning and losing or, financial issues that seem to plague even the most stable of families, or kids gone bad and parents are at their wit’s end. Life is hard—I know you know that—and, although […]

Swing for the Fences

Have you ever wanted to step up to the plate in baseball and swing for the fence—really give it your best shot and watch as that proverbial ball sails over the back side of the stadium? In life and work, sometimes I think to myself, “What would it take for me to swing hard and connect with the ball to put it over the fence so I can win the contract, take the audience to a new understanding of their freedom to thrive in life, or simply to know that I did something good for someone else?” Dear reader, today, […]

Manners Cost Nothing and Are Priceless

When was the last time someone said “thank you” or “please” to you? Really think about the last time someone out of the clear blue said “thank you” for something kind you did for them or said “please” when something was needed. Oh no! You can’t think of a recent time when someone said those magical phrases in a sincere manner? Well, sadly, that is my point today. It seems so rare to hear a kind word of thanks, praise, appreciation, or encouragement that is not forced or contrived to get you to do something for someone. So, with that […]

Push Yourself Because No One Is Going to Do It for You

Push Yourself Because No One Is Going to Do It for You When I was thinking about what to share this week, I tussled with a few ideas that I wanted to use to encourage you, knowing that there are a lot of things going on in your life right now. So, understanding that you are busy, let me be your personal motivator to remind you to continue to push yourself because no one is going to do it for you. Whether it is getting the family ready for school, re-organizing your life for the new year, or simply re-engaging […]

A Place Called Success

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, and caution lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs, but if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, and a driver called Willpower, you will make it to a place called Success. I came across this quote awhile back and have wanted to use it for some time, but the time never seemed right until now…because when you think about your ability to draw upon your determination, your perseverance, […]

What’s On Your Life List?

Recently, I heard a speaker ask about a Life List vs. a Bucket List. It was an interesting thought because I know that for many of us, we have this imaginary (or written down) Bucket List of places we’d like to go, things we’d like to see, and experiences we’d like to have, yet, as we hope and pray and wish away the days and months and years, saving for our Bucket List, I’m curious if you have thought about your Life List. And tell me, how are you coming along with checking off that list for becoming the person […]

The Past is a Place of Reference Not a Place of Residence

I had a client tell me about a family situation that happened while she was in high school, in which, due to unforeseen circumstances and due to the economy, her family had to declare bankruptcy, and, in the blink of an eye, their lives had changed. Although that would be traumatic for any young person, this young lady’s parents held the family together, vowing to rebuild and continuing to provide to the best of their ability for their kids. Instead of allowing that experience to define this amazing young woman’s future, she simply used it as a place of reference […]