Rules for the Road

Hope for the New Year

It’s funny, but when I think about repeating myself I am reminded of a quick story. When I wrote my first book, “Speak Without Fear,” my editor said, “Deb, do you know you repeat yourself on the big ideas you have in the book?” to which I replied, “It’s because no one listens, so you have to say it over and over and in different ways,” which is fine for speaking, but not such a good idea for a book. I am in hopes that my second book, “Powerful People Take Up Physical Space,” will be out in a few […]

Don’t Worry About Tomorrow

Don’t Worry About Tomorrow Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt. 6:34 As I prepare for the holidays I am constantly reminded of a verse I grew up with. It goes like this, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Now, although that does not appear to be the most comforting verse I’ve ever read, it is more true than not, and, with that knowledge in hand, I can rest assured that what will […]

Stop turning your troubles into your excuses

Well, believe it or not, in a few weeks it will almost be time for you to consider writing down those crazy New Year’s resolutions. And while I am not entirely opposed to New Year’s resolutions, I don’t take them seriously anymore because I really don’t know anyone who sticks with them, so I find the whole exercise to be a great waste of valuable time…and, frankly, probably the number one reason I am a skeptic and a doubter is because, in the midst of all that self examination and belly button gazing, it’s always the same old story of […]

You can dwell on it for the rest of your life.

One of the great joys of doing this radio show is all the nice people who call or email me and tell me how a certain show was meaningful to them, from how much they liked a certain guest, to some asking questions about who to turn to for help. Since I am not a licensed counselor or an HR person, I like to suggest some good people I know who may be able to help those who reach out to me seeking answers. I cannot help everyone, but I certainly will try to send them to those who might […]

Do Not Rush

Without a doubt, I think most of us feel we are on limited time, so in order to fill every minute of every day, live life to the fullest and then to overflowing, we rush. We rush from the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning to when we crash into bed at night, and then we do it all over again for the next five days. Then the weekend comes, and we rush to fill every minute of time with the fun, family, food and football. It just seems to be that most of our lives are […]

If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” ― Peter F. Drucker I received a lot of comments from last week’s show about the limiting beliefs that so many people have that hold them down–mentally, emotionally or physically–or they still have silly, old beliefs that keep them away from what they consider their true calling. And while money was part of the equation for many, the other part, which, frankly, surprised me, was the idea that so many people think that they are too old or are too set in their ways or too far down […]

Remember people are looking up to you – don’t let them down

There is a small church near where I live, and on the outdoor board that shows the church service times and the pastors name and other information, I saw that they had put up this phrase, “Remember, people are looking up to you – don’t let them down”. I really like that thought, because it is so true. I know I speak about this a lot, but, friends, hear me—you never know who is watching you, and you never know who is following your steps, as they live their lives. You matter. Your words matter. Your actions matter. How you […]

Living a shadow life

I just finished reading a book called “Turning Pro” by one of my favorite writers, Steven Pressfield. His other book, “The War of Art,” is a classic, and I can tell you it changed my business life when I read it years ago, so when a friend mentioned that he had read another good Pressfield book, I had to pick it up. And there’s an idea in the book that is so simple, yet so true, that I couldn’t get away from it; I have been thinking about it for days, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s […]

Fearless or Fearful

You’ll notice that over time they become fearful of speaking up–in case they are wrong–or they become fearful of putting in extra hours in case no one notices (so why give it more than the basic requirement) or, for many, I see that they are fearful to step out of or away from the comforts of their home, their job or their group of friends. I find it curious that so many once-fearless people now seem to make a place for fear at their table and allow fear to eat every meal with them in their ever shrinking world. It’s […]