
Your Only Limit Is You

For the last five years I have been writing a weekly blog and producing a podcast, which stemmed from my Saturday radio show, “Encouragement for Your Life,” heard every week on 94.5FM. As we come into the holidays, I will be closing out this chapter of life–my weekly newsletter and podcast. That being said, after 250 shows/posts/newsletters – I will end my weekly dose of encouragement with the same encouragement that I started out with almost five years ago. Please hear me loud and clear (and I am speaking to myself here as well), your only limit is you. And […]

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year

As I thinking about what to give as a word of encouragement this week I wanted to share something that would be uplifting and not just educational or a training session so when I found the first part of this poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson I knew I had landed on my thought for this weekend before Christmas. Friend, this year – Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. That means that everyday all 365 of them coming you have a chance to write a different story, sing a different song and […]


The text read, “Embers jumping over fire breaks–the mountain is on fire.” I live in the Carolinas, and the water for my community and many surrounding areas relies on a natural water source that springs from deep inside the mountains into a private, monitored reservoir within our secured watershed, and then the water is released to the plant where it is cleaned and piped to the community as safe, fresh, clean drinking water. So when the text on my phone read, “Embers jumping over fire breaks–the mountain is on fire,” that was not the news I was expecting from the […]

I choose to live by choice, not by chance

I choose to live by choice, not by chance~ Miranda Marrott I came across this quote online the other day and I really like it for this Christmas season because it puts in place what I consider the realities of life – the simple facts that are truth for so many of us…and what I like is as I read through the list, I believe you’ll come to understand the proper steps for our success…meaning that you (and I) need to choose… I choose                                                           To live by choice, not by chance; To make changes, not excuses; To be motived, not […]

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.

Recently I overheard a heated argument in which one of the players was verbally harsh to the other, and gave them what we’d call a standing down, told them off—gave them a piece of their mind. It was so sad to see the immediate crush of the other person’s spirit. It was shocking and unsettling and simply heartbreaking at the same time. I am not around people who yell. I didn’t grow up with anyone who yelled in our family—it just wasn’t allowed—and when I witness the outburst of anger that is carried by one’s raising of their voice, it […]

A 5-Letter Word and a Lifetime of Damage

There is a 5-letter word that is holding you back from everything you tell yourself you want and need. It is a simple word with the strength to damage you for life if you’re not careful, and the word is “later.” If you’re not vigilant, it will be your downfall from everything that you tell yourself and others that you’ve wanted in life and love and happiness. “Later” is a 5-letter word and a lifetime of damage if you don’t start on the fix today. Really, the idea that you can solve the issue (whatever it is) “later” is most […]

The Higher we Soar

“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”~ Friedrich Nietzsche Once again, a quote has grabbed me and will not let me go due to the truth that is so simply stated. This is where I find myself today, with a quote from Nietzsche who hit the nail on the head with this simple idea, “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” Oh, don’t you know it! Those who continually jab at you for all your hopes and dreams and aspirations and can’t see their way out of a […]

First it’s impossible, then difficult, then done.

Have you ever looked at a task and thought, Wow, that’s impossible! Then you stop, or you start to find other ways to get the job done and you realize that it’s not impossible, it’s just difficult, and then you keep working and the difficult isn’t as bad as you thought. Now, it’s still hard but, before you know it, the job that was out of range—too hard to do, couldn’t figure it out—is now completed. Finished. Done. Recently I was having some quiet time; I was reading in a devotional book I really love about prayer and came across […]

Your Story isn’t Over Yet

Your story isn’t over yet. In praise of the humble semicolon I know it seems odd to write a post about a punctuation mark, but recently I was at a restaurant and my waiter had a very pronounced semicolon tattooed on his arm and I asked about it. He told me that the semicolon is now the symbol to recognize those who have struggled with depression, anxiety, addiction and/or suicidal thoughts. I had not heard about this trend of using the semicolon as a symbol of hope. The waiter went on to explain that the semicolon represents “…a sentence the […]