Radio Show

You Matter

In thinking about this week’s show and having overheard some conversations of a few people that I know well, I was struck once again about the power of words that sink into the heart of everyone and rattle the fragile understanding of one’s self worth. It seems to me that words are so many times callously thrown about and off-handedly imply to anyone who will listen that they (the person) are damaged and, believing their pain, they question one eternal truth that has stood the test of time through the ages, and yet so many people struggle with the concept […]

You can dwell on it for the rest of your life.

One of the great joys of doing this radio show is all the nice people who call or email me and tell me how a certain show was meaningful to them, from how much they liked a certain guest, to some asking questions about who to turn to for help. Since I am not a licensed counselor or an HR person, I like to suggest some good people I know who may be able to help those who reach out to me seeking answers. I cannot help everyone, but I certainly will try to send them to those who might […]

You are NOT responsible for how people treat you

You are not responsible for how people treat you, but you are responsible for how you treat others and yourself. Recently I was watching a show about re-entry from death row prison to freedom. The man who was telling his story said that, through it all, his mother would tell him that no matter what happens in life or death, that he was not responsible for how people treated him, but he was responsible for how he treated others and himself. A tear came to his eye when he recalled the words of the one woman who never stopped loving […]

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was happy to see you?

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was happy to see you? I mean really happy to see you every time you came around. Recently I saw a photo online of the most adorable little boy who was at an amusement park where he met someone in a costume who looked just like Tinker Bell. She was beautiful and looked very kind and sweet as she kneeled down to hug him and speak to him, and the look on his face for his parents’ camera is so full of happiness, glee, thrill, elation, excitement and pure joy. When I posted the […]

Do Not Rush

Without a doubt, I think most of us feel we are on limited time, so in order to fill every minute of every day, live life to the fullest and then to overflowing, we rush. We rush from the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning to when we crash into bed at night, and then we do it all over again for the next five days. Then the weekend comes, and we rush to fill every minute of time with the fun, family, food and football. It just seems to be that most of our lives are […]

Sometimes You Have to Be Your Own Hero

I have been looking through the past years of files of the online version of my writing and reviewing all the themes that I have written about. As I scrolled through week after week of posts, one thing that struck me is the fact that I am drawn to a few themes. This is interesting since so much of my writing has been, in a very real sense, random–thoughts that just happened to pop in my mind (after a prayer for guidance) and then five, six or seven pages later, Shazam, and a newsletter appeared. For those who have asked […]

Remember people are looking up to you – don’t let them down

There is a small church near where I live, and on the outdoor board that shows the church service times and the pastors name and other information, I saw that they had put up this phrase, “Remember, people are looking up to you – don’t let them down”. I really like that thought, because it is so true. I know I speak about this a lot, but, friends, hear me—you never know who is watching you, and you never know who is following your steps, as they live their lives. You matter. Your words matter. Your actions matter. How you […]

What will you do?

Well it’s bound to happen, and it did…. I fell down some steps as I was going off the stage to write something on the whiteboard. It happened so quickly, and I went down hard and hit my head against the wall and my backside on the steps and my shoulder took the brunt of the fall. Probably one of the worst things that can happen to a speaker – in the middle of a 2-hour session is to fall down. Luckily, I was able to regain my composure and as I quickly stood and said, “well now that I […]

To Act

“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.”– Maxwell Maltz “To act” is my theme for today, because, just like you, I hear the most amazing dreams and plans and ideas from very capable people who never do anything to make any of it come true. It has gotten so repetitive with a few of my friends that I really don’t enjoy going out with them, because just like last time, the […]