There is a small church near where I live, and on the outdoor board that shows the church service times and the pastors name and other information, I saw that they had put up this phrase, “Remember, people are looking up to you – don’t let them down”. I really like that thought, because it is so true. I know I speak about this a lot, but, friends, hear me—you never know who is watching you, and you never know who is following your steps, as they live their lives. You matter. Your words matter. Your actions matter. How you […]
Public Speaking
Taking Care of Business
I am sure you have a lot going on in your life these days, but allow me a minute to gently remind you to make sure you’re taking care of business–the business of doing what brings you joy, happiness or simply what gives you a place or sense of rest, relaxation and good times for today and tomorrow. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle of doing what everyone expects or demands, that sometimes we forget why we are doing what we’re doing, as life becomes routine and rote, and for many, boring. I don’t mean […]
What will you do?
Well it’s bound to happen, and it did…. I fell down some steps as I was going off the stage to write something on the whiteboard. It happened so quickly, and I went down hard and hit my head against the wall and my backside on the steps and my shoulder took the brunt of the fall. Probably one of the worst things that can happen to a speaker – in the middle of a 2-hour session is to fall down. Luckily, I was able to regain my composure and as I quickly stood and said, “well now that I […]
You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else
You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else… You often hear the phrase that life is precious and we need to be careful with our words, our actions and our attitude, and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement and believe it to be true. We all need to follow the wisdom of those words, but what I find so disappointing in watching others is the bizarre attitude of some people who think that by tearing everyone else down they are building themselves up. Sorry, Charlie, it doesn’t work that way, because you can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else. It’s […]
Harness Your Power
Recently, I was reading a review about Laird Hamilton’s life that will be seen in an upcoming documentary called “Take Every Wave.” Laird is a legendary big wave surfing star who, according to the write-up, is as polarizing as he is acclaimed. I know a bit of who he is from magazine articles and his one-time marriage to volleyball star Gabrielle Reece, so in reading the write-up I was curious about how he pushed himself to set aside his fear of the water and waves and sharks and whatever else lurks in the ocean to become the master of the elements. […]
Who Is Modeling You?
I would be interested to know who you model your life after, if anyone? Most of us grew up, I am assume, with a role model that we eyed sometimes with awe and wonder and sometimes with suspicion and regret; either way, we watched someone live their life and we either said, “I’m going to be like them,” or “I’m never going to be like them,” making the choice to model ourselves in a similar fashion but separate enough to maintain our sense of dignity, pride and individuality. I have always loved the artwork of Norman Rockwell. He seemed to […]
It’s not what happens to you
It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Epictetus There is no easy way to say it and no need to sugar coat the truth that for many could be life-changing, so I’ll hit you straight up and remind you that “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” You know this to be true, and yet it is so hard to let offenses, real and imagined, go without a fight or at least a great put-you-in-your-place-amazingly-smart-aleck comment. Recently, I was speaking at a leadership luncheon, and I […]
Generosity of Spirit
Like many of you, I like to think of myself as a generous person, or at least that is the ideal I have in my mind about who I am and those I associate with. I have come to believe that we all hope and trust that we have a place inside us that realizes that it is good to be thoughtful, kind and generous to others, and it’s at that foundation of our deep moral makeup that reflects who we are at our soul level. Now I know that some people do not feel this way. While I don’t […]
Feeling stuck is a FEELING, not a fact
If I have heard it once, I have heard it 100 times, “You know, Deb, I’m stuck in life and I don’t know how to move forward.” Well, I say usually, one step at a time is a good place to start and soon the feeling will pass and you can get started again. Why? Because feeling stuck is a FEELING, not a fact, and, for many listening today, you’re wallowing in a feeling that is not based on anything but your emotions at this time and for whatever reason you’ve chosen to give. No doubt some days, weeks or […]