My 2¢

First it’s impossible, then difficult, then done.

Have you ever looked at a task and thought, Wow, that’s impossible! Then you stop, or you start to find other ways to get the job done, and you realize that it’s not impossible, it’s just difficult, and then you keep working, and the difficulty isn’t as bad as you thought. Now, it’s still hard, but before you know it, the job that was out of range—too hard to do, couldn’t figure it out—is now completed. Finished. Done. A while back, I was having some quiet time; I was reading a devotional book I love about prayer and came across […]

A Little Bit of Kindness

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” –Henry James. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” Plato It doesn’t take much to show a little bit of kindness, and if there ever was a time that your city, your community, your family, and your friends need that smidgen of love, friend, it is now. We all need a little bit of kindness. It doesn’t take much, but it does take some work in advance to make sure […]

Be a lamp – a lifeboat – or a ladder

Be a lamp – a lifeboat – or a ladder. I came across this saying a while back, and it made me stop and think about who in our lives has been there as a lamp, a lifeboat, or a ladder. I’m sure for most of us; it would be easy to choose someone who is a lamp in our life – someone who believed we’d come into our own one day and be the person we were born to be. That one person who, against all odds of human reasoning, liked us, loved us and believed in us, and […]

May all your dreams come true… even the ones they laughed at

I recently came across a phrase that made me smile when I thought about it… because the truth it holds can be life-changing. May all your dreams come true…even the ones they laughed at. There is something about this phrase that captures me… maybe it’s because I’ve had 1000 dreams, thoughts, and ideas that I’ve tried or have pursued – some to success and, some that are still in my attic and a few that are just sweet memories… but let the record show that at least I tried. I hear a lot of polite snickering when someone verbalizes their […]

Start and Finish

Recently, a client called me about entering a competition – she was not sure she wanted to go through the hard work, early mornings and late nights, and stress, pain, and hassle of it all, so she called to ask me what I thought. Realizing that she would have a lot of work to do to win the race – I was tempted to let her off the hook this time – to focus on her work – to build her career – to push her to the top but then I realized looking back over our last year together how far […]

Act As If

Recently, a friend who was on my show used a phrase that has really stuck with me… in the course of our conversation talking about how to keep your spirits up even when it seems like life has thrown you a curve ball, she said – that every time her spirits started to wane (in her job search) she would – as she said, Act As If… act as if it was going to be okay, act as if you had the courage to do the job, act as if you were in the job of your dreams. Just that […]

Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

I will never forgot the tears she shed when she told me about her weekend at her grandmother’s home for the holidays. “Get your big fat a__ in here” those are the words a client of mine recently heard from her grandmother. I can only assume the grandmother didn’t measure the damage of her words. I’m sure grandma thought she was being funny. She wasn’t. Weeks later my client can repeat that stinging phrase that hurt to the bone and the worst part is now every time she looks in the mirror, she will hear those words from the person […]

Who set your boundaries?

As I walked along the fence I came upon this marker… Boundary of the United States It’s an imposing marker set into the fence line between America and Mexico. One can easily scale the fence or swim around the jetty in the ocean but even if you cross over willingly… or not… you’ve now crossed a boarder – a boundary line that either keeps you in or keeps you out. It makes me wonder, “Who set your boundaries? Have you limited yourself? Are on the wrong side of the fence”. The concept of boundaries frustrates me – who gets to […]