
The reason most people give up…

Today, I want to encourage you to keep on keeping on. I saw a quote recently that said, “The reason most people give up is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have come.” And isn’t that true? Most people do give up because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have come. For many of us, we become discouraged at what seems to be either a lack of progress, how slow the journey has been, or how long […]

Push Against the Wind of Anger

This is part of my series on emotion. Recently, I was on a flight that felt like a roller coaster, with the wind jostling and jerking the plane to the right and the left. After a while, we did even out, and the flight was typical, but in those few moments, I began to think about how to overcome the turbulence we were experiencing. A few years ago, I took a few flying lessons to see if I was cut out to pilot my own plane to my speaking events, and in my private flight lessons, I learned pretty quickly […]

Keep Your Eyes on the Stars and Your Feet on the Ground

I came across two different accounts of people who have come to realize that their hero wasn’t what or who they thought they were. So, with truth in hand, these wise (albeit hurt) folks walked away. Not bitter, not really angry; mostly hurt and embarrassed that they fell so fast for the ideals that were portrayed to them as truth, but in the end, they realized that empty promises are just that–empty–so it didn’t matter what was offered since it was nothing but words without meaning. Those stories stirred me. I realized that although I admire many people, in the […]

What’s in The Well, Comes Up in The Bucket

I was listening to the commencement address by Tyler Perry at Tuskegee University, and in his remarks, he made this statement: “What’s in the well comes up in the bucket.” It is the first time I heard this phrase, and it just stuck with me because it seems to be the perfect Southern phrase of how life really is, no matter what it seems like on the outside. I get that everyone wants to appear successful to friends and family (and enemies), and it is good for those who have made it because, no doubt, it took work to find […]

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life; don’t ever waste it. As I prepare for my weekly radio show and blog post many times, I speak with the larger listening audience in mind. I fully understand it is Saturday, and you’re busy with chores or errands, house cleaning, or finishing up lunch with the family, but today, I want to talk about you and speak to you directly. As I work with presidents of corporations, sales team leaders, authors who are out selling their books, or wise folks who are working to better their speaking ability, I […]

If You Want to Leave a Footprint

If You Want to Leave a Footprint, Don’t Drag Your Feet I came across today’s theme by accident when I was looking for some other information about leaving a legacy that I spoke about last week.          If you want to leave a footprint, don’t drag your feet. —Arnot L. Sheppard This quote just stuck with me, so much so that I couldn’t shake it to work on something else. There is just something about the phrase that makes me stop and think…probably because I am very mindful that we will all leave a legacy of some sort, but in […]

Oh, To Be Remembered

Oh, To Be Remembered This time of year, I often think about Lucille Ball. We lost her 26 years ago, although it doesn’t seem that long. I can remember coming home from school and watching I Love Lucy and laughing along with the cheesy laugh tracks on the screen, or when I was homesick, you could still find her show on some off-channel for the reruns. I often use her life adventure in one of my talks about leadership. If you know her story, it is an amazing tale of survival. To be able to have the star power she […]

Be Impeccable With Your Words

Today’s message may not be for all of my amazing readers. If the words do not add encouragement to your life, pass by this issue, and please come back next week. Be Impeccable With Your Words “Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz The Power of Words I would dare say that you know how to wield the power of words in the lives […]

It is the courage to continue that counts

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” –Winston Churchill I am working with a terrific young man who will be giving the valedictorian address at his high school graduation in a few weeks. It’s been fun to hear him reminisce about his early days in high school when he “didn’t care,” to realizing one day that he was just a few points behind the smartest guy at school and knowing that with a little work he could overtake him, because, as he said, no one knew he was that smart since […]