
Generosity of Spirit

Like many of you, I like to think of myself as a generous person, or at least that is the ideal I have in my mind about who I am and those I associate with. I have come to believe that we all hope and trust that we have a place inside us that realizes that it is good to be thoughtful, kind, and generous to others, and it’s at that foundation of our deep moral makeup that reflects who we are at our soul level. Now, I know that some people do not feel this way. While I don’t […]

Don’t Complain About Things You Are Not Willing to Change

I have just about reached my limit with people who complain about things they are not willing to change. You hear it all the time from someone in your group. They are the ones who whisper loudly that someone else didn’t do their job, or someone else didn’t tell them some tiny bit of useless information, or someone else said something to someone. And you know the rest of the excuses of the one person who blames their lack of accomplishments on everyone else but themselves. Today, I have a lot to say to those people. What are we supposed […]

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

I always liked the Beatles song I Get by With a Little Help From My Friends. Most of their songs, I’m ambivalent about, but something about the tune and truth of having strength in numbers makes me feel safe in the world today. Like many of you, I have groups of friends for different aspects of my life. I have church friends, work friends, former work friends, political friends (former political friends), my mom’s friends, my brother’s friends, and my sweet neighbors. I even have a small group of more mature friends whose company I love. In the midst of […]

A Place Called Success

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, and caution lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs, but if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, and a driver called Willpower, you will make it to a place called Success. I came across this quote awhile back and have wanted to use it for some time, but the time never seemed right until now…because when you think about your ability to draw upon your determination, your perseverance, […]

The Emotion of Worry

I am continuing with my series on emotions. I started with anger because anger really hurts you and those around you. Remember, anger is a cancer to your soul. So, to have a happy life, you have to let it go. Then, I talked about the pain of shame. Shame is a failure to meet your own standard of behavior, and this emotion will wreak havoc in your life if you’re not careful. And I added in the thought that you that you should stop thinking that others have to accept your forgiveness for you to be forgiven. They don’t. […]

We have all been placed on this earth

We have all been placed on this earth to discover our own path, and we will never be happy if we live someone else’s idea of life. There is such joy in seeing happiness, contentment, and peace when someone finds their right path, their calling, or their life’s work. There is no greater joy than seeing someone settle gently in the path of their God-given talents, skills, and abilities. Now, there is another side that I see, and that is when someone is not following their dream. When they are following the dream of someone else, that makes for a […]

Practice the Pause

“Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly, and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.” ~ Lori Deschene Oh, if I had only learned this earlier in my life, I would have saved myself from myself. I probably have too many stories to regale you with from all the times I spoke out when I should have practiced the pause, mentally and verbally. Even now, I catch myself chatting away when, in reality, my brain tells me I should just be quiet and let the conversation hum […]

Hey Good Looking

When was the last time someone said that to you… I hope today or at least yesterday and maybe tomorrow…without a doubt, I know you’re good-looking and smart because you listen to my podcast and read my blog posts. But friends, how do you turn those good looks into opportunity? Opportunity to do all the things you dream of, opportunity to be the person you desire to become, opportunity to excel in your field of work or study…believe it or not, it has little to do with your good looks, smarts, and lineage and everything to do with the skills […]

Givers Need to Set Limits

Givers Need to Set Limits because Takers Never Do. I saw an interesting video recently about a guy who taped $ 1 and $5 bills, and maybe a $10 or two, to his jacket and walked around with a sign that said, “Take what you need.” Now, obviously, someone was videotaping the street interaction, and because the guy was wearing a microphone, you could hear his conversation as people read his sign, looked at him questioningly, and then, hesitantly, took a few bills. All the while, he would say to people, as he walked up and down the street, to… […]

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