“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” ~ Max Lucado I have always loved this quote, and I believe it because I see so many people in leadership who spend a lot of time wanting to be “in the crowd” instead of leading the crowd. No doubt it is hard to turn our backs to the cheering crowd–it seems so fun to be in the middle of it all, but a man (or woman) who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. Why? Because leadership is strengthened when […]
We have all been placed on this earth
We have all been placed on this earth to discover our own path, and we will never be happy if we live someone else’s idea of life. There is such joy in seeing happiness, contentment, and peace when someone finds their right path, their calling, or their life’s work. There is no greater joy than seeing someone settle gently in the path of their God-given talents, skills, and abilities. Now, there is another side that I see, and that is when someone is not following their dream. When they are following the dream of someone else, that makes for a […]
If the whole world was blind
If the whole world was blind, how many people would you impress? I travel a lot, and I like to people-watch. I have this little ritual–as I walk through airports, I look at everyone running this way and that and at those sitting to make a flight or who are eating in the food court, and I think to myself that everyone in there has a mother. They may not have had a father (past the point of conception), but they all have or have had a mother. Then I usually think, my goodness, wouldn’t their mother be disappointed in […]
Don’t Give Up Now
“Don’t give up now. Chances are, your best kiss, your hardest laugh, and your greatest days are still yet to come.” ~ Author Unknown If there ever was a time not to give up, it is now. “Why?” You may ask. Because if you give up now, you will never know what might be waiting right around the corner. I know it seems so easy to say and so hard to do, but friends, you just can’t walk away when you are so close to the success of the dreams you’ve been working towards or the answers you’ve been praying for […]
Everyone has an invisible sign
Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people. ~ Mary Kay Ash There is an age-old phenomenon that is back in full force today, partly due to social media and partly due to our busyness when it comes to actually seeing those we say we care about. I hate to admit it, but I am guilty of what John Steinbeck said, “I wonder how many people I have looked at all my life and never seen.” It is not on purpose that I have seemingly overlooked […]
It doesn’t matter what others are doing
It doesn’t matter what others are doing. It matters what YOU are doing. I saw this poster a while back, and it hit me as such an obvious comment that I almost laughed out loud at the simple message. Then, as life would have it, I did a double take and had to admit that I waste plenty of time wondering, questioning, and thinking about what others are doing with their time and talent when I need to focus on what I should be doing. It’s not like our work is going to get done magically without us. No, we […]
You’ve Changed
You’ve Changed When someone says, “you changed” it simply means you’ve stopped living your life their way… 2x I love that quote… I found it on my favorite waste of time website Pinterest. When I posted it on my Facebook page I got a number of likes and responses because I think it resonates with people. Why – because it falls into one of those nice southern sayings that is usually unwarranted criticism dripping with honey. I find you hear this a lot from the church crowd (who spend more time gossiping about how bad you are and never looking […]