
Hope for the New Year

It’s funny, but when I think about repeating myself I am reminded of a quick story. When I wrote my first book, “Speak Without Fear,” my editor said, “Deb, do you know you repeat yourself on the big ideas you have in the book?” to which I replied, “It’s because no one listens, so you have to say it over and over and in different ways,” which is fine for speaking, but not such a good idea for a book. I am in hopes that my second book, “Powerful People Take Up Physical Space,” will be out in a few […]

Your Only Limit Is You

For the last five years I have been writing a weekly blog and producing a podcast, which stemmed from my Saturday radio show, “Encouragement for Your Life,” heard every week on 94.5FM. As we come into the holidays, I will be closing out this chapter of life–my weekly newsletter and podcast. That being said, after 250 shows/posts/newsletters – I will end my weekly dose of encouragement with the same encouragement that I started out with almost five years ago. Please hear me loud and clear (and I am speaking to myself here as well), your only limit is you. And […]

By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.

Dr. Myles Munroe was a well-known pastor, speaker and teacher. Dr. Munroe was known for saying The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose. Dr. Munroe’s words live on because he spoke the truth about life, and the reality is that a life without purpose is a sad way to live. As we come into this holiday season, I am keenly aware that these early evenings, very dark nights, colder days and seemingly more quiet times appear to be cause for great personal reflection, that for some, if you don’t guard your thoughts and keep […]

A 5-Letter Word and a Lifetime of Damage

There is a 5-letter word that is holding you back from everything you tell yourself you want and need. It is a simple word with the strength to damage you for life if you’re not careful, and the word is “later.” If you’re not vigilant, it will be your downfall from everything that you tell yourself and others that you’ve wanted in life and love and happiness. “Later” is a 5-letter word and a lifetime of damage if you don’t start on the fix today. Really, the idea that you can solve the issue (whatever it is) “later” is most […]

The Higher we Soar

“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”~ Friedrich Nietzsche Once again, a quote has grabbed me and will not let me go due to the truth that is so simply stated. This is where I find myself today, with a quote from Nietzsche who hit the nail on the head with this simple idea, “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” Oh, don’t you know it! Those who continually jab at you for all your hopes and dreams and aspirations and can’t see their way out of a […]

You are NOT responsible for how people treat you

You are not responsible for how people treat you, but you are responsible for how you treat others and yourself. Recently I was watching a show about re-entry from death row prison to freedom. The man who was telling his story said that, through it all, his mother would tell him that no matter what happens in life or death, that he was not responsible for how people treated him, but he was responsible for how he treated others and himself. A tear came to his eye when he recalled the words of the one woman who never stopped loving […]

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was happy to see you?

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was happy to see you? I mean really happy to see you every time you came around. Recently I saw a photo online of the most adorable little boy who was at an amusement park where he met someone in a costume who looked just like Tinker Bell. She was beautiful and looked very kind and sweet as she kneeled down to hug him and speak to him, and the look on his face for his parents’ camera is so full of happiness, glee, thrill, elation, excitement and pure joy. When I posted the […]

Remember people are looking up to you – don’t let them down

There is a small church near where I live, and on the outdoor board that shows the church service times and the pastors name and other information, I saw that they had put up this phrase, “Remember, people are looking up to you – don’t let them down”. I really like that thought, because it is so true. I know I speak about this a lot, but, friends, hear me—you never know who is watching you, and you never know who is following your steps, as they live their lives. You matter. Your words matter. Your actions matter. How you […]

You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else

You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else… You often hear the phrase that life is precious and we need to be careful with our words, our actions and our attitude, and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement and believe it to be true. We all need to follow the wisdom of those words, but what I find so disappointing in watching others is the bizarre attitude of some people who think that by tearing everyone else down they are building themselves up. Sorry, Charlie, it doesn’t work that way, because you can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else. It’s […]