Self Promotion

If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything

In reading over the questions that some of you sent me to answer on the show, one theme seemed to come to the top (over and over) and it mirrors a quote that I have been thinking about sharing on the show; it seems the stars aligned with the questions that were sent in, and I came upon this idea, In life, if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything. Some people seem to be so unwilling to risk anything, which makes me think that they are missing out on some real opportunities in life. And you know I’m not […]

People will kill you

“People will kill you over time, and how they kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases like be realistic.” Dylan Moran I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate it when people give backhanded, up front or behind the back slights to one’s life dreams, hopes and ambitions. And, yes, I used the word hate because, like you, I heard these phrases from others as I wandered through my early work years. And, because it frustrated me so much, I made mental notes to stay away from those who would be so bold to say something so ridiculous […]

Deb Sofield Launches Weekly Newsletter

Log onto my website and view my online newsletter – which was turned into a blog and a podcast. Speak Without Fear, it is a excellent source of news, notes and tips for public speaking. You can sign up on my website to receive my monthly newsletter. My goal is to help you become the best you can be – personally and professionally…because if you’re going to speak – you might as well be heard! Learn more about me at: