
Almost every successful person…

Almost every successful person begins with 2 beliefs: The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so. For the last few weeks I have been speaking about the idea of Excellence, Commitment and Action. In fact, I decided to forgo having a guest on this particular show, because, as I progressed through the message, I needed more time to talk about how you can choose to make the changes that will change your life. The idea of excellence is rarely talked about because it is hard. It’s easy to be good enough, […]

I Quit! Thanks for the Memories

Now before you get too excited, I am not quitting my blog or podcast, but I am going to quit the hanging on to memories that cause me regret. I love the quote by Mason Cooley, “Regret For Wasted Time Is More Wasted Time,” and, frankly, my time is limited, and I don’t need any more time consuming sad memories, so for 2016 I have quit hanging on to what I thought would happen in my life, and I’m moving forward…on to what else I can make happen for the rest of my amazing life. Recently I saw a video […]

It is not the critic who counts.

“It is not the critic who counts…” You know this phrase as well as you know your name but have you really thought about the truth contained in those seven words that have gone down in history? The fact is that the world is full of critics whose words don’t count because they don’t know you, your story or your future. And the sad part is that they really don’t care to know you; they find great delight in tearing you down because they need a stepping stone in their quest for significance. Never be misled by the critics who […]

So What Is Your Super Power

Now that New Year’s resolutions are about over, let’s think about something we can do that could be the key to an amazing year, if not for yourself, then for others who probably need you. I wrote last week about choosing a word to define the different areas of your life that you would like to change. The one I heard the most is that many people say they want to enjoy life to the fullest, so think about a word that would be your anchor to remind you of your commitment to enjoying life. The word I would choose […]

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