Personal Best

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don’t wait.

Perhaps the greatest message I can share and want to embed in your mind is the truth that Whatever it is you have been wanting and waiting to do, please consider doing it soon. You have waited long enough, and you have told yourself that you are someone who strives to live with purpose and, goals, and vision, so since that is your resolve, allow me to push you once again to leave your place of fear and start running down your path. With that overall theme in mind, here are three ideas that I believe will motivate, sustain, and […]

Who Is Modeling You?

I would be interested to know who you model your life after if anyone. Most of us grew up, I assume, with a role model that we sometimes eyed with awe and wonder and sometimes with suspicion and regret; either way, we watched someone live their life, and we either said, “I’m going to be like them,” or “I’m never going to be like them,” choosing to model ourselves in a similar fashion but separate enough to maintain our sense of dignity, pride, and individuality. I have always loved the artwork of Norman Rockwell. He seemed to bring to life […]