
If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything

In reading over the questions that some of you sent me to answer on the show, one theme seemed to come to the top (over and over) and it mirrors a quote that I have been thinking about sharing on the show; it seems the stars aligned with the questions that were sent in, and I came upon this idea, In life, if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything. Some people seem to be so unwilling to risk anything, which makes me think that they are missing out on some real opportunities in life. And you know I’m not […]

A 5-Letter Word and a Lifetime of Damage

There is a 5-letter word that is holding you back from everything you tell yourself you want and need. It is a simple word with the strength to damage you for life if you’re not careful, and the word is “later.” If you’re not vigilant, it will be your downfall from everything that you tell yourself and others that you’ve wanted in life and love and happiness. “Later” is a 5-letter word and a lifetime of damage if you don’t start on the fix today. Really, the idea that you can solve the issue (whatever it is) “later” is most […]

How to be lucky

I have always loved the quote, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” It has been attributed to just about everyone, but the one who is consistently listed is Samuel Goldwyn of TV and movie producer fame. Interesting when you think that he might have said that line considering that he was–in a sense–the star-maker in Hollywood, but even he understood the long view of success or luck (as you’d like to believe). Just think back on your favorite movie star and then research how many times they had to do cheese ball commercials or TV sitcoms or print […]

You can never leave footprints that last

You can never leave footprints that last if you are always walking on tiptoe. Leymah Gbowee If you’re like me, you see a quote and it just strikes you as a great mental stop. That is what happened with today’s quote and theme. Those who know me know that I am not someone who tiptoes around issues–it is a time matter for me. I don’t like to waste time when, with a direct response, decision or action, I can move on to other things. No doubt this has gotten me in trouble at times, but chalk it up to impatience […]

Do Not Rush

Without a doubt, I think most of us feel we are on limited time, so in order to fill every minute of every day, live life to the fullest and then to overflowing, we rush. We rush from the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning to when we crash into bed at night, and then we do it all over again for the next five days. Then the weekend comes, and we rush to fill every minute of time with the fun, family, food and football. It just seems to be that most of our lives are […]

Sometimes You Have to Be Your Own Hero

I have been looking through the past years of files of the online version of my writing and reviewing all the themes that I have written about. As I scrolled through week after week of posts, one thing that struck me is the fact that I am drawn to a few themes. This is interesting since so much of my writing has been, in a very real sense, random–thoughts that just happened to pop in my mind (after a prayer for guidance) and then five, six or seven pages later, Shazam, and a newsletter appeared. For those who have asked […]

Taking Care of Business

I am sure you have a lot going on in your life these days, but allow me a minute to gently remind you to make sure you’re taking care of business–the business of doing what brings you joy, happiness or simply what gives you a place or sense of rest, relaxation and good times for today and tomorrow. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle of doing what everyone expects or demands, that sometimes we forget why we are doing what we’re doing, as life becomes routine and rote, and for many, boring. I don’t mean […]

To Act

“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.”– Maxwell Maltz “To act” is my theme for today, because, just like you, I hear the most amazing dreams and plans and ideas from very capable people who never do anything to make any of it come true. It has gotten so repetitive with a few of my friends that I really don’t enjoy going out with them, because just like last time, the […]

Living a shadow life

I just finished reading a book called “Turning Pro” by one of my favorite writers, Steven Pressfield. His other book, “The War of Art,” is a classic, and I can tell you it changed my business life when I read it years ago, so when a friend mentioned that he had read another good Pressfield book, I had to pick it up. And there’s an idea in the book that is so simple, yet so true, that I couldn’t get away from it; I have been thinking about it for days, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s […]