Hopes and Dreams

Living a shadow life

I just finished reading a book called “Turning Pro” by one of my favorite writers, Steven Pressfield. His other book, “The War of Art,” is a classic, and I can tell you it changed my business life when I read it years ago, so when a friend mentioned that he had read another good Pressfield book, I had to pick it up. And there’s an idea in the book that is so simple, yet so true, that I couldn’t get away from it; I have been thinking about it for days, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s […]

You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else

You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else… You often hear the phrase that life is precious, and we need to be careful with our words, our actions, and our attitude. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement and believe it to be true. We all need to follow the wisdom of those words, but what I find so disappointing in watching others is the bizarre attitude of some people who think that by tearing everyone else down, they are building themselves up. Sorry, Charlie, it doesn’t work that way because you can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else. It’s just […]

Fearless or Fearful

In a recent show, I was speaking with my guest, and I mentioned that it’s an interesting thing that when you are young–I find, for the most part, that many younger people are fearless—they’ll try anything from working extra hours to get ahead or speaking up in meetings to let their voice be heard, to spending time to learn a new program or system (which granted does seem to come easier to the youngsters) but then I see so many people reach an age where they cross the line from being fearless to fearful for no apparent reason and then […]

Leaving Greatness in the Graveyard

A while back, I saw a motivational video about pushing through the pain to achieve the goal of greatness. It was a video of famous and not-so-famous athletes who worked hard day after day, night after night, to be the best, understanding that success is a mixture of blood, sweat, and tears. Today, they are recognized sports figures who are greatly rewarded for their abilities. As the video is playing, you can hear voices—sort of sounds like preachers in the background giving the message of determination, power, fight, and success—and there is one section of the video where the words […]

Feeling stuck is a FEELING, not a fact

If I have heard it once, I have heard it 100 times, “You know, Deb, I’m stuck in life, and I don’t know how to move forward.” Well, I say usually, one step at a time is a good place to start, and soon the feeling will pass, and you can get started again. Why? Because feeling stuck is a FEELING, not a fact, and, for many listening today, you’re wallowing in a feeling that is not based on anything but your emotions at this time and for whatever reason you’ve chosen to give. No doubt some days, weeks, or […]

What would you do if you knew you would die today

Not the headline you’re used to seeing, but recently, I was catching up on my reading and came across my AARP magazine (you know, the magazine that reminds us all that we’re over 50 and are on the slippery downhill slope) and the words of the question about having just a few more hours to live jumped off the page at me, and I thought to myself, well, what would I do in the 9 hours I have left? Honestly, I was torn between organizing who would get what and feeling sorry for myself for not having eaten my way […]

May all your dreams come true… even the ones they laughed at

I recently came across a phrase that made me smile when I thought about it… because the truth it holds can be life-changing. May all your dreams come true…even the ones they laughed at. There is something about this phrase that captures me… maybe it’s because I’ve had 1000 dreams, thoughts, and ideas that I’ve tried or have pursued – some to success and, some that are still in my attic and a few that are just sweet memories… but let the record show that at least I tried. I hear a lot of polite snickering when someone verbalizes their […]

The only person you are destined to become

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. Ralph Waldo Emerson Decisions, decisions, decisions. They are such a big part of our everyday life, and no matter how many times you and I decide to go with the flow and let life “work out,” in the end, we all make decisions that will have a lasting impact. I like today’s thought because, once again, it is a reminder that we all choose our outcome. I know that many will argue with me on that thought because they have bought into the belief that […]

Swing for the Fences

Have you ever wanted to step up to the plate in baseball and swing for the fence—really give it your best shot and watch as that proverbial ball sails over the back side of the stadium? In life and work, sometimes I think to myself, “What would it take for me to swing hard and connect with the ball to put it over the fence so I can win the contract, take the audience to a new understanding of their freedom to thrive in life, or simply to know that I did something good for someone else?” Dear reader, today, […]