
What Will You Do Next?

Have you thought about it? In this economy and in these times have you thought about, What Will You Do Next? I doubt you have and that’s okay as long as you take a few minutes NOW to reflect on that phrase and answer it… not for me, but for you. As a presentations coach, I prepare people for their big day, their big speech, their big debut as they step into the light. But I would be remiss, as their friend, if I didn’t look out across landscape of their life and yell into the vastness of what could […]

Deb Sofield Launches Weekly Newsletter

Log onto my website and view my online newsletter – which was turned into a blog and a podcast. Speak Without Fear, it is a excellent source of news, notes and tips for public speaking. You can sign up on my website to receive my monthly newsletter. My goal is to help you become the best you can be – personally and professionally…because if you’re going to speak – you might as well be heard! Learn more about me at:

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