I have had a lot of different experiences in my life and have taken chances that, on the outside, might not have seemed so smart. Okay, they probably weren’t so smart on the inside either, but who knew? I jumped in anyway because I have this theory about life—you’ve got to go and do what you want to do in case the world changes and those one-time opportunities disappear. I fundamentally believe that we are not meant to live a boring life. This world is too big, too amazing, too discoverable for me (or you) to sit at home and not experience it.
I saw a quote on Facebook that I put on my page. It says, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” That is the truth. And it’s not just travel to other countries but perhaps a new adventure close to home that makes memories for a lifetime.
Growing up, I knew that if I made a mistake, I was young enough to survive the fall, whether it was financial, emotional, or physical. I always figured if my big idea didn’t work out (or if none of my ideas worked out), I was young enough that I could start again without much loss of time, energy, or money. Oh, the good old days – now, since I have reached a milestone in my age on this amazing earth, I tend to think a little more about my future.
My friend gave me a plaque when she sensed that I was struggling to make a decision about an opportunity that had presented itself. On this plaque was a wild-haired girl jumping over a fire. The plaque read, “This is faith – and this is a leap of faith.“
I always liked that little plaque. It reminds me that living a life of comfort and ease won’t provide the heart-stopping thrill of landing your first airplane, getting up for the first time on your water skis, or riding the world’s longest escalator.
The plaque also reminds me that sometimes there are problems or issues that you can’t lightly step over. You’d be better off to leap over it so you don’t die a slow burn. The fact is, for most of us, the fire will always be there, but how we get across is the journey we write home about. And you know instinctively that once you make that leap, you’ve now done something big.
Having the courage to make a leap of faith probably is not an everyday occurrence. In fact, if you have to do it often, you might need to stop and see what is driving the need to remove yourself from situations in such a grand fashion.
I came across a quote from Margaret Shepard years ago, and I have kept it on my computer as a reminder of life: “Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”
I love that quote because in my own life, it has been true, and I am sure it has been true for you if you really admit that sometimes you’ve had to jump and pray that there would be a ledge or limb or line that would catch you.
I thought it was an interesting dichotomy that although the fear of the unknown is great – sometimes the fear of the known is greater.
I work with people all the time who look around their current situation and say to me – Deb – I’ve got to get out… if I stay in this job, or relationship, or group of friends, I will miss the calling I believe I have.
Now, please know I am not a licensed counselor, so I do not dispense advice on life or love or leaving – but I do like to help others shake open closed doors so they can see what is on the other side.
Now, for some, just seeing with new eyes the opportunities that might await is a big adventure…and it might seem like an enormous leap of faith to take a new job in another country to build a career, to move to another city to find their dream, for some to unload and rebuild their life for their new life.
And even though on the outside it seems like a small step for mankind, for some, it is the gulf wide enough to expose every fear and doubt, and the only way through is simply a leap of faith because friends Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.
What leap of faith do you need to take in your own life? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but have held back because it seems like such a big deal? Is there some challenge that you can’t simply walk over due to the size that if you make a decision, you’ll be leaping over mountains… is there a dream that you have had for years that is on the back burner that is on your one-day list?
You know, one day when… the kids are grown – the house is paid off – the credit cards are manageable – the job is safe – then – you can fill in the blank…
For some to find amazing joy in life, it will be a leap of faith to know that you’re ready to do the job, to know that you’re able to be successful on the other side, to know that what you’ll gain is greater than what you will leave behind.
Now, please understand I am not advocating that you do foolish things that would cause harm to you or your family or company – that fact is silliness or acting irresponsibly is not going to accomplish what you’re hoping for – in fact, it might close all doors to your dreams if you act without a plan or purpose or provisions for those you care about. No, that’s a leap of crazy that will leave you damaged for years to come.
But for those who are listening today… just remember that sometimes in life, your only available transportation to reach your goals and, dreams, and hopes is a leap of faith.
I like the idea of leaping – meaning giving it your all… not taking it cautiously step by step but putting your whole self into the opportunity.
To grow a business, sometimes you have to take that leap of faith and hire a few new employees – I know the cost of salary and benefits and training seems like a huge obstacle, but when the fit is right, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner… your output will increase, and your team will grow, and you’ll be able to take on new and bigger projects to grow even bigger. I’ve seen friends wrestle with the struggle and be grateful in the end.
Or how about restoring a relationship – ah, that one is hard – but think about it – if you’ll be the one who will make the call – set up the coffee meeting – go through with it – that unbridled leap of faith on your part for restoration might restore that which was lost or you’ll realize that once forgiven and somewhat forgotten it’s time to move on with no strings attached because you took the plunge to make it right or at least as right as you could… monkey off your back… they can wallow in self-pity but a friend you’re free.
Every once in a while, I see big leaps of faith…and I so marvel at the commitment that it takes – whether it is keeping the baby when it was unplanned or blending a family with a new marriage and accepting all the children as one or opening your heart to a new member of the family not what was expected but accepted with love.
I could go on and on about the amazing leaps of faith that people take every day, and what is interesting is that for so many, it wasn’t a hard jump because they believed or knew it was the right thing to do. That is what makes this world an amazing place – everyone doing well by doing good in their corner of the world.
I must say I love today’s message because I see its success time and time again, and I also see how sometimes, due to fear of the known or unknown, many people leave opportunity behind because they are comfortable in their little world – and for some, I guess that’s okay – it’s not how I would live nor would I encourage those I love to live small – ah friend I hope you dream of more and bigger and better and just know that there are a lot of people cheering for you – praying for you – believing in you as you make that leap of faith – because friends Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.