Dr. Myles Munroe was a well-known pastor, speaker, and teacher. Dr. Munroe was known for saying The greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose. Dr. Munroe’s words live on because he spoke the truth about life, and the reality is that a life without purpose is a sad way to live. As we come into this holiday season, I am keenly aware that these early evenings, very dark nights, colder days, and seemingly more quiet times appear to be cause for great personal reflection that for some, if you don’t guard your thoughts and keep
For this blog post, I want to tackle two topics that I firmly believe you need to stop and pay attention to if you’re going to make a change for your life and those you love. My topic today is You are what you believe, and next week, I am going to ask that you set aside your pre-conceived ideas and self-sabotaging stumbling blocks and simply listen to my take on a word that I’ve not been a fan of in the past, but have come to see that for many it is all they have–the need to find a
The text read, “Embers jumping over fire breaks–the mountain is on fire.” I live in the Carolinas, and the water for my community and many surrounding areas relies on a natural water source that springs from deep inside the mountains into a private, monitored reservoir within our secured watershed, and then the water is released to the plant where it is cleaned and piped to the community as safe, fresh, clean drinking water. So when the text on my phone read, “Embers jumping over fire breaks–the mountain is on fire,” that was not the news I was expecting from the
Deb Sofield is a dynamic Keynote Speaker, Private Speech Coach and Author of five books. Her best-selling book Speak without Fear – Rock Star Presentation Skills to get People to Hear What You Say, and her latest book Perfecting Your Platform – Transforming Your Stage Presence into Stage Power, and her three-volume series Encouragement for Your Life – Tough Love Memos to Help You Fight Your Battles and Change the World.
Deb Sofield
Post Office Box 26477
Greenville, SC 29616
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