
May all your dreams come true… even the ones they laughed at

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I recently came across a phrase that made me smile when I thought about it… because the truth it holds can be life-changing.

May all your dreams come true…even the ones they laughed at.

There is something about this phrase that captures me… maybe it’s because I’ve had 1000 dreams, thoughts, and ideas that I’ve tried or have pursued – some to success and, some that are still in my attic and a few that are just sweet memories… but let the record show that at least I tried.

I hear a lot of polite snickering when someone verbalizes their dreams to go higher or simply to better themselves, and what’s funny is that others, due to their limited imagination, just cannot fathom the idea…so of course, it couldn’t work for you since it never occurred to them.

But let me encourage you, dear dreamer, that the sky is the limit if you’ll just let your imagination go with what you think might work because until you try, you’ll never know.

It’s been said that – “Dreams are not those which are seen while you’re sleeping. Dreams are those which don’t let you sleep.”

I found a great quote that said, “Tell me my dreams are unrealistic, and I’ll tell you yours aren’t big enough.”

It’s been said, “If you are not living your dreams, you are living your fears.”

I would say that most dreams are crushed or at least dented by those who have other ideas of what you should be doing.

Maybe it’s a parent who wants you to be a doctor or lawyer – both great and honorable professions – but if your heart is set on being a Chef, there is going to be a clash of ideals.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t listen to those who love you and want what is best for you – but sometimes, we all have to step out and see if the ice will hold…My grandfather used to say, “A whole lot of learning happens if we can make it across the lake or if we break through and go under.”

I can remember when I was in school, I wanted to be a coach for sports, and my best path forward was to major in Physical Education…. Whoa, my dad said…. I’m not paying for that major. So, I did my next best option, which was communications or public speaking, so I majored in my 2nd best field of study at school It’s funny how that has now become my life’s work…. And now, it’s my 1st love, and the irony is that I do coach, just in a different way.

Right after college, I can remember it was a Saturday morning, and I was reading the newspaper when I saw an ad that said… make a lot of money – learn to be an Auctioneer. Wow, I said…this might be my new calling…. Once again, my dad was not so impressed…but this time, he suggested if I wanted to pursue that “new calling,” I could – with my own money… so I did take my leap of faith and became one of the 42 women in the state of SC to earn my auctioneers license (not being grandfathered into the system).

I was hired by a local auction company and, traveled the state, and learned a lot about life, hard work, and crazy people who steal at auction. After a few years of calling bids from the back of the truck, I decided I needed a new direction.

[Just an aside: I’ll never forget that day it was 101 degrees in Cayce, SC, and I was dropped off to tag a cement forms plant – you can only imagine I had no idea what the equipment was on the lot … so on my worksheet I’d write – large metal object…. That went on for a few hours till my boss came back and saw my worksheet and laughed as he described to me the object of my non-affection – the generator, the engines, the cutters, the…you name it on the scrap yard.]

So, after my vision of being a Sotheby auctioneer came to a screeching halt in a scrap metal yard and not as I had hoped – my lofty dream to auction fine art, furniture, and silver was what I had envisioned. I told the boys I had my fill of 12-hour days calling bids in rain, heat, and humidity, and I was tired of looking through boxes and lots of towels to pull out the silver candlesticks and start all the cars for the SLED auction… Yup – I wanted to go back to what was more in my comfort level… so I applied and went to law school… I’ll stop right there – sufficient to say that was not my best idea…in fact, in hindsight, what was I thinking – I wasn’t a good student by any stretch of the imagination and at law school they expected me to study… really study – that wasn’t going happen.

I’ll stop right here telling you all my adventures, dreams, and jobs, or we’ll be here all day… Goodness knows I’ve tried a lot of things to satiate my curiosity and interest in this big, wonderful, and amazing world.

Oh, dear listener, I have probably embarked on 15-20 different roads to see which one would lead me to my passion, my heart, and my home, and I am thankful that I did – because each job prepared me in some way for the next adventure or for something bigger – something unusual – something life-changing or simply a redirection of the path I was on OR more often than not in some cases I had to stop doing things I was interested in but not talented at.

I’m sure that many of you listening today can retell some great stories of first jobs, grand adventures, and dead ends that, in an odd way, prepared you for something else in your life, and although it didn’t make sense then, it sure helps you now.

I hope you will take to heart this concept of May all your dreams come true — even the ones they laughed at and for a time… allow your imagination to wander back to those days when you did dream and now can laugh about the silly things you tried that didn’t work and reflect on the things that did – the things you were excellent at.

Back to a time when life might have been a little easier – when you had the luxury to think and hope and plan without restriction or consideration of responsibilities that you may have today… and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be the one laughing all the way to the bank or all to yourself…because they really don’t know what you’re capable of when your dreams do come true.

My wish for you today is that May all your dreams come true — even the ones they laughed at.

Remember, “It’s your job to make your dreams come true. Don’t quit your job!”

The great Earl Nightingale said, “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass away.”


Deb Sofield

Deb Sofield is a Keynote Speaker, Author of the book, Speak without Fear – Rock Star Presentation Skills to get People to Hear What You Say and Encouragement For Your Life ~ Tough Love Memos to Help You Fight Your Battles and Change the World, Radio Talk Show Host in the Salem Network, Podcaster and President of her own Executive Speech Coaching Co., which trains women and men for success in speaking, crisis communications, presentation skills, media and message development in the U.S. and abroad.

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