
Add a word – get a third

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I have a client who is going to be a country music star. I’m working with her on interview skills so that when her time comes, she’ll be ready for the bright lights, big hair, and big city.

One day, while we were working together and I was looking at her CD cover, I asked who the other people on the CD were since they were not backup singers and I knew they didn’t write her songs –she told me how she learned some very hard lessons by being so young, innocent and trusting in Nashville. She said, Deb, “Don’t you know the phrase – add a word – get a third.” I asked what that means. Well, she said, in the music business, everyone wants a piece of success, so if someone can “add a word” to a song…they can then claim some sort of ownership and be paid for life.

What! that is ridiculous. I say brilliant things all the time to help others out, and I don’t get paid any more than my coaching or speaking fee at that time (we decided I should move to Nashville).

Add a word – get a third. Isn’t that interesting, but the more I thought about it – the more it really ticks me off, and then I realized I see that happening in business all the time. Someone adds just a little something to a project and then takes full credit. Someone changes a color on a brochure and then tells the world they are the art director. Someone adds or deletes a few words on a paper and then claims ownership, and who is there to stop them? Except they should hear the words of their mother ringing in their ears to stop taking credit for others’ work…it is wrong, and if you’re doing that, stop before it catches up with you.

Hey, I have an idea, why don’t you do it on your own and then be the owner of the idea or concept? Without having to resort to stealing others’ work. And yes, I said stealing.

Just because you run in front of the parade doesn’t mean you are leading it… to be a leader, you must have followers. And no one follows a dishonest person for long… and if they do – you’re in bigger trouble than you thought.

The reason this is important is not just because it’s wrong (although that is a big deal) but because if you’re not that clever, bright, or verbal – over time, people will find out that you can’t turn a phrase or your design skills are limited to computer graphics and your paper is just not that good and then you’ve condemned yourself to the role of cheater, liar or thief. And nobody likes those people.

I speak on the circuit on how careful we must be nowadays – because no matter what we say – someone can bring it up on iPhone and do a fact check and then tell the world that your numbers are not true and your concept is not your own and that is not your design…and then your days are numbered – because although many people will forgive – they won’t forget.

Years ago, when I was working on a project to take to market, I had a company called the Original Little Fur Coat Company… and I made a Christmas stocking that looked like a little mink coat (don’t worry, it was fake fur, but it looked and felt amazingly real – they were beautiful)… I fell in love with it and thought it was a brilliant idea – why to hang an old sock when you could hang a little mink coat… made sense to me hanging on the mantel… you know, stocking, stocking, stocking – oh, a mink coat – must be Mom’s stocking…anyway, I needed a seamstress to help me with my pattern design (mind you, I had given her a pattern, and she was to do some finishing work) – she finished a version of my project, and as she was handing me the final product she informed me that since she had made it better – she was now a partner in my company.

Hmm… I don’t think so – since you were working for hire and you signed that piece of paper that said non-compete… and if you think that is the way I do business, you might want to hire a lawyer.

She wisely backed off…but isn’t it a shame that so many try to get by when they have no standing, no ownership, and no skin in the game? Yes, she did work for me, but the contract stated that it was work for hire and nothing else. And I can tell you – that whenever anyone asked me who could help with pattern ideas – I never gave her name – because she couldn’t be trusted. Her dishonesty overshadowed her talent. I found plenty of other great seamstresses who did beautiful work for a fair price and without ownership.

I have to tell you this quick story – so I developed several different patterns and animal prints for the coats… I was in TN looking for a production house, and the owner of one of the shops we were in talks with – asked to keep a coat for review and a week later, when I went back to pick it up, she claimed she didn’t have it… now we know she did – she fell in love with it like everyone else – but instead of making a version of one for herself, she took mine… and that one petty theft of one coat killed our desire to hire her firm to do our work… a 120 dollar theft costs her tens of thousands of dollars of work – in a depressed area of TN that the people needed to work. She not only did damage to me but to herself and her community… crazy.

So, let’s talk about this – because how you treat others will come back on you or to you 10-fold, so let’s make sure you’re doing the right thing so you can walk that path of success, hold your head high, and do business honestly and fairly.

Now I know if you’re reading this blog or listening to me today – you’re not the problem… it’s the other crazy people in the office – but how you handle and guide others can make a big difference in their lives to put them on the right path to success if you’re willing to speak up…and be a leader (and it will hurt because you’re shining a light in the darkness but it is the right thing to do)

Zig Ziglar said it best – and I am paraphrasing one of his quotes… “Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.”

But let me remind those who spend their time taking a bite out of others to taste success – you could do it on your own (and that takes hard work, but you could do it), and if you can’t or won’t or are simply too lazy – I’m pretty sure most folks don’t like you anyway so don’t add to your troubles by taking credit for others work.

I know today’s post is a little different – but every once in a while, when something so big hits me, and then I realize I see it happening all the time (just by different names) and then – because I have a birds-eye view I see that damage that comes back on people or the trouble that is caused… I think someone (in this case, me) needs to speak about it and remind you that you’re better than that…or you should be.

And if someone is taking credit for your work – you might want to step up and confront them in private at first – in public if you have to… because if they are bold enough to steal in private, they’ll take you for all you’re worth in public…so stand your ground.

I had a person tell me once that if he was going to steal, he would steal big because when you steal a little–people find out, but when you steal big, folks are so shocked by it that they can’t wrap their heads around the fact that you walked away with billions – I guess Bernie Madoff taught us that…

I remember saying to him – how about you do not steal at all… after a very uncomfortable silence, he backed up and said he was joking…. To that, I say – the body will go where the mind has been… so be careful.

I love the quote – Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

James Allen said it best – You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

I have a friend who has 3 Rules for life – Honesty, Loyalty, and Compassion.

And those who are doing well by doing right – keep up the good work – and don’t worry because we can see the difference – true talent cannot be hidden…. it always shines through.

Deb Sofield

Deb Sofield is a Keynote Speaker, Author of the book, Speak without Fear – Rock Star Presentation Skills to get People to Hear What You Say and Encouragement For Your Life ~ Tough Love Memos to Help You Fight Your Battles and Change the World, Radio Talk Show Host in the Salem Network, Podcaster and President of her own Executive Speech Coaching Co., which trains women and men for success in speaking, crisis communications, presentation skills, media and message development in the U.S. and abroad.

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