Without a doubt, I think most of us feel we are on limited time, so in order to fill every minute of every day, live life to the fullest and then to overflowing, we rush. We rush from the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning to when we crash into bed at night, and then we do it all over again for the next five days. Then the weekend comes, and we rush to fill every minute of time with the fun, family, food and football. It just seems to be that most of our lives are […]
Don’t forget that you’re human…
Well, friends, you survived the holidays and now it’s a new year—a fresh start—and you have a great chance to start over and begin anew. So what will it be this year? What new ideas do you have? What new places will you visit? What new adventures will you try, and what will you leave behind? What problem or issue or circumstance will you make a clean break from so you can start with a clean slate? What? You’ve not thought about leaving the old and finding the great adventures that this new year will afford you? Wait a second, […]